It should come as no surprise since each character has its unique strengths and weaknesses. Disagreements regarding which class is the best rage on within the community to this day. One of the factors that continues to drive the game's popularity is the high replay value, with seven character classes, each one with a unique skillset and multiple builds players can choose to pursue. RELATED: How Diablo 4 Hopefully Melds the Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 Combat Systems Out of all the Diablo games, it is the second entry that has brought the series into the limelight and amassed a cult following all over the world. Now is the perfect time to dive back into the franchise and get ready for the upcoming titles. Diablo 2: Resurrected still gains traction despite multiple games in the franchise being released afterward and others on the horizon.

Very few games have managed to achieve the iconic status of Diablo.